Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Love Being Right!

So... my last post revolved (mostly) around my breakup and the heartbreak that ensued, and I mentioned that I thought maybe, just maybe, I would end up being happier after it was all said and done. Well, guess what? I was right. Totally, completely, 100% RIGHT. I am, without a doubt, the happiest I've been in a really, really long time, and it feels wonderful!!

Don't go crazy, though ... I'm as single as can be, but like Carrie Bradshaw once said, "the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself, and if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."  I've finally, after twenty-eight-and-a-half years, fallen in love with myself, and until I find that one who is in love with the me that I love, I'll be perfectly happy as a party of one :)

I've really settled in at work - I'm working in the Bureau that I've always wanted to be in, with the people I've always wanted to work for and dealing with cases that I am truly passionate about.  It makes a world of difference when you actually enjoy going to work every day.  Sure, there are days that I'd much rather haul myself down to the beach or stay in bed all day reading a book, but when I am at work, I'm perfectly content.

The weather has been incredible lately, and I'm seriously looking forward to the lovely Spring and (inevitably hot but) beautiful Summer that I believe we have in store.  Watch out, world!

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