Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I heart ... kicking clutter!

IHeart Organizing is having a giveway! If you love organizing as much as I do, hop on over and enter to win a copy of Organizing Junkie's book, Clutter Rehab. It's filled with 101 tips and tricks on getting your life (and your home) organized!

Help me reach my goal for the Susan G. Komen Washington D.C. 3-Day for the Cure!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bucket List

From time to time, I hear people talk about, or I randomly think of, things I want to do/see/experience before I die. You'll often hear me say "add that to the list!" but in reality, I've never actually made such a list - at least not an extensive one. I've written things down here and there, but never in one place. Fear not, because I've decided to start one now! I can't possibly remember all of the little things I've wanted to add to that list, but this will certainly be a start. Some of these things are more "normal", like wanting to get married, have children and buy a house, while others are little more extravagant, but I'm at least trying to keep it realistic!

Before I die, I want to...
get married
have children
buy a house
complete an extensive family tree
go on a cruise
try a homicide case
go to the Summer Olympics
go to the top of the Statute of Liberty
run another marathon (without getting hurt!)
watch every movie that has won Best Picture at the Oscars

I want to visit...
all 50 states
the United States Supreme Court

I want to learn...
to snowboard
a foreign language (enough to converse)
to skydive
all of the history that I never really learned in school
to sew

It's not complete, but it's definitely a start! Do you have a bucket list? What do you want to do before you die?

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's been a while ...

It sure has been a while since I've posted! I feel like I've been super busy, running here and there, working hard and spending my free time with friends, but it's all kind of a blur and I can't really articulate what I've been doing!

Work has been insane. There have been a lot of not-so-good happenings in the County relating to the crime lab at the local police department which is, of course, affecting a large portion of the cases that I'm currently handling. It's certainly making for long hours and interrupted sleep!

I've been spending a lot of time at the gym, too. Early in the morning, or late at night, thanks to it being open 24 hours a day! I'm determined to be in tip-top shape by the time my 10 year high school reunion rolls around in June.

Random, but have I mentioned how much I love sushi? Tonight is date night - and sushi it is!!